Admob unity sdk
Admob unity sdk

It turns out that this is quite popular issue without clear answer anywhere. Took a look in the logcat and found another issue: ClassNotFoundException: .UnityAdListener. The Android /hard/ part, or how to avoid / solve ClassNotFoundException: ads.UnityAdListenerĪfter My C# part was error free I tried to build the project and generate APK. interstitial = new InterstitialAd (adUnitId) For more information: /answers/1198842/view.html 3. Then assign value in the constructor, Awake or Start methods of your class. Declare class-level variables, like this: InterstitialAd interstitial 2. You can also get NullReferenceException when initialization of ad format specific instances. If you just followed some of the guides for implementing Banner or Interstitial you may not face this issue because MonoBehaviour is part or the demo scripts on /admob but I should mention it to make sure you can solve it just in case.

admob unity sdk

At first it was very weird for me, because in C# no matter what the two classes are you should be able to initialize similar instances, but after a bit of research and a lot of tests I found that your Ads class should extend monobehaviour. And I was stuck with “ Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error. My app had a Controller class and an Ads class, so I tried to initialize an instance of the Ads class in the controller. Long story short - Your ads class should extend MonoBehaviour. And do not forget - MobileAds.Initialize should take place on the app startup or at least before any other use of the MobileAds SDK.

admob unity sdk

These are the basics described on /admob/unity/start, so make sure to follow them first. Download the AdMob plugin, resolve the dependencies, and set up the AndroidManifest. But it requires a bit more efforts than the official docs suggest.

admob unity sdk

AdMob - one of the largest global ad networks and Unity - the world’s leading real-time game engine, when combined can make millions of dollars from your games.

Admob unity sdk